Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fwd: Running Plans for Thursday 10/18 & Saturday 10/20

Hello Runners!

Here are the plans for the last two group runs before the Columbus Marathon and Half on this Sunday.

Thursday Morning: 
1- Come at 6:00am to run 4 easy miles

Saturday Morning:   
1- Come at 8:00am to run 2 miles (yes, just 2 miles!)

Hope to see you! 


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Running Plans for Sat & Sun, 10/6 - 10/7

Hello Runners!

There are lots of fun plans for this weekend!  There will be a run on Saturday and chance to do a 10k on Sunday.  It should be a good time!  You can still join the group to the Oktoberfest if you would like.

Saturday Morning:  (Meet at Craig's, directions below)
1- Come at 7:15am to run 6 miles
2- Come at 8:15am to run 3 miles
3- Run both for a total of 9 miles

Sun day Morning:   Oktoberfest 10k in Minster, OH
-See the link to the entry form below.  They do have race day registration if you're interested

Sunday,      Oct 7,       9:30am   Oktoberfest 10K in Minster, OH

Hope to see you! 
